Local 548 Millwrights is a local union organization, located in Wisconsin, Kaukauna, which comprises of 897 members, nine employees, and assets of $371,542.
Millwrights Local 548 is a 100 years old organization under the Independent Millwright Contractors Association (IMCA), making it the oldest millwright in North America. A feeling of brotherhood among the members, long tradition pride, excellent craftsmanship, and superior training, makes it the best among the rest.
Union members can attend Millwright Training Program as a journeyman for upgrading trade skills, which makes them more professional and confident in their working methods. The jurisdiction of Millwright covers 61 countries in southern and central Minnesota.
In the discussion below, we are going to discuss the objectives.
Tasks performed by Millwrights Local 548:
The work that local millwrights perform for union millwright contractors are on the following:
● Rigging and erecting
● Conveyor fabrication and erection
● Precision Optical Alignment
● All types of welding
● Bridge cranes and monorails
● Machinery moving and installation
● Maintenance and repair
● Precision coupling alignment
● CNC fabrication services
● Steel mills
● Sawmills
● Breweries
● Grain elevators
● Turbines, steam, gas, and hydro
● Refineries
● Chemical plants
● Mine equipment
● Amusement equipment
The efficiency of Millwrights:
Becoming a millwright means becoming an expert at the precise alignment, installation, overhauling, and troubleshooting of the machinery on which their economy depends. Millwrights rig, hoist, dismantle, align, and adjust mechanical equipment. They work in many different industries, making sure of assembly lines, gears, pumps, valves, compressors, generators, conveyors, and power turbines to work smoothly and efficiently. Millwrights require good geometry, maths, mechanical, and welding experiences.
Objectives of Millwrights Local 548:
IMCA Union millwright contractor assures superior qualified professionals, who possess problem-solving skills and experience. They have the potential to work under a crisis and become ready to go for the next job.
Supply of competent and capable employees for the performance of the work undertaken by the employers, to maintain a continuity of employment, to ensure friendly labor-management relations, to improve the competitive position of the organized sector of the millwright construction industry, and to establish terms and conditions of employment arrived through the process of collective bargaining.
IMCA millwright has a wide range of knowledge and trade skills to become superior craftsmen. IMCA contractors provide the funding and guidance necessary to establish superior training standards and to develop the challenging curriculum required to develop the best training in the industry.
It is how they ensure how the right quality and quantity are available for the next job to guarantee quality products and cost-effective results. Through the Millwright Union Journeymen upgrading Program, their members are constantly upgrading their trade skills with the latest knowledge and technology.
New people are constantly being brought into the trade and trained to emerge as quality professionals.
Safety is an essential concern for Union Millwright contractors. Union members get incentives to upgrade their safety training and certifications through Unions Safety Training Programs. Some of the instructions include MW H&S(OSHA) 16-hour course in Construction Safety, First Aid/CPR, Material Safety Data Sheet, Confined Space Operations, Forktruck safety, Rigging, Aerial Lift, GE and Seimens Westinghouse Turbine Training.
All these benefits mean that IMCA Millwright contractors, with qualified Union millwrights, possess the mobility and expertise to get their next job done on time and budget.
How Do They Accomplish their Goal?
● By encouraging cooperation among all partners within the millwright industry. It includes the customer, the contractor, and the Union Millwrights
● By playing a key role in the establishment of fair wages and rates of pay, fringe benefits, and hours of employment through collective bargaining with millwright unions
● By funding superior millwright training programs for apprentices and ongoing training for journeymen
● By aggressively setting educational standards and developing curriculum for these millwright training programs
● By providing the opportunity and incentive to journeymen to upgrade their trade skills with the latest knowledge and technology
● By ensuring that union millwrights learn all there to know safety certifies under OSHA safety training guidelines
● By offering challenging and rewarding careers to qualified men and women
By accomplishing its goal, it ensures the constant availability of qualified union millwrights who possess superior problem-solving skills and experiences, Millwrights working under crises and who are ready to go right to work on any contractor work.
It means IMCA millwright contractors are the best choice and the only choice to get to work on time and within budget.

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