The first year of your university life can be as challenging as it is exciting. Most students struggle when juggling studies and assignments with work and friendships when they first start university.
However, you can take many ways to make studying less stressful, such as finding essay writing services, revising lectures daily, developing new study strategies, creating presentations for difficult concepts, and more.
- Make a Study Calendar (and Stick to it)
The first tip is a no-brainer. High school classes are more structured, and you’re taking classes for six or more subjects in one day. In university, that number goes down to three or four. So, at first glance, it may seem like less studying that can be done any time.
However, saving your semester at the last minute is almost impossible when you have great detail in all subjects. Hence, you should make a study calendar, optimize your time saved from classes, and study deeply. Make sure to stick to it because there’s no worse feeling than knowing you’re behind in your classes.
- Develop Study Strategies
First-year university students often struggle to maintain momentum, so you need to develop strategies that work for you. You can create flashcards for all subjects, make a study group, create presentations on topics for better self-learning, and so on.
- Take Advantage of Resources
Universities provide a ton of resources to their students that are helpful for first-year students who aren’t well-adjusted. Check your school’s website to see what they have to offer in terms of extracurriculars, library resources, essay writing services, and so on.
- Collaborate
Collaborating can be an intimidating task as a first-year student, especially if you don’t make friends and acquaintances immediately. Still, don’t let weaker communication skills scare you from collaborating. Talk about topics you studied with your classmates, ask questions, read study guides together, and teach major concepts to each other. If you can teach a topic to someone, you’ll master it quickly.
Collaborative learning outperforms individual learning, so if your regular classes don’t offer collaboration opportunities, make study groups to benefit from it.
- Pick Relevant Assignment Topics
It’s easy to stay in one lane and pick assignment topics that seem easy to nail. But university is all about being creative, learning new concepts, researching, and expanding your horizons. Don’t be afraid of a challenge and pick assignment topics that require more research. If you’re bad at the writing part of technical assignments, you can always hire essay writing services.
- Avoid Plagiarizing
Plagiarism is a huge mistake. Not only are there many proficient online plagiarism checkers today, your professor sees hundreds of similar assignments, and they can tell original work from a copied one. If you’re not cut out for essay writing, hire essay writing services instead and do additional research on your end instead of plagiarizing someone else’s work.
- Find a Trusty Note-Taking App
While working on your university assignments, you’ll have tons of lightbulb moments. It’s essential to find and download a trusty note-taking app to sort all your ideas and theories when studying, so you don’t forget anything.
- Don’t Be Scared to Drop a Class
University is about finding your passion and excelling in it. As a first-year student, you might feel obligated to succeed in each class. But students dropping classes is more common than you realize. If you feel like a class isn’t meaningful to you, just drop it.
- Record Lectures
No matter how easy you think a topic is or how good you remember the basic concepts, always record your lectures, either audio or text. Take snaps of any calculations or diagrams your professor makes on the board. If possible, ask for presentation and reference files your teacher uses so you can revise efficiently.
- Prioritize Self-Care
Most importantly, prioritize self-care. Always make sure you get enough sleep, have some physical activity, and have a trusted source of communication and comfort. University life is fun but hard at most times, and you can only be a top-notch student if you’re mentally healthy.