Friendship is a very important relationship in a person’s life. Friends are with us in every up and down we face in our life. We have so many friends whom we meet in different stages of life. When we are kids we have school friends and friends in the area we live, then we have college friends and when we are adults we have colleagues some of them turn in friends. Friends help us to make decisions, they give us support to face any problem. They help us in so many ways. We should not miss a chance to express the love we have for them. Nowadays there are so many ways. Nowadays it’s very easy to stay connected with friends by the medium of social media. Like smileys are where a good way to express our love, like by sends a blue heart. What is the meaning of a blue heart? It symbols the love for special friends or close friends.
There so many good idioms or proverbs on friendship. Let’s know some of them.
- A shoulder to cry on – means someone with whom you can share your problems anytime.
- To bury the hatchet – means to forget differences and become friends.
- Like two peas in a pod – means two people who are like each other.
- To clear the air – means to forget all doubts and negativity about someone.
- To be as thick as thieves – means being very friendly.
- To build Bridges – means to build friendly relations between people.
- Friends in high places – means to have those friends who have influential positions.
- Strike up a friendship – means to be friends with someone.
- To know someone inside out – means you know someone very well.
- To see eye to eye with someone – means to agree with what someone said.
- To get on swimmingly – means to be friendly with someone.
- To get on like a house on fire – means to become friends with someone.
- Birds of a feather flock together – means when two or more people with the same likes/dislike/interests go along with each.
- To speak the same language – means when two people understand each other so well that they share their opinions very well.
- To hit off – means when you find someone with whom you become naturally or immediately friendly.
- To get on famously – means to get along with someone easily.
- Close-knit – means two or more people having the same interest and bounding together in a strong relationship.
- To be joined at the hip – means to be with someone and you don’t want to be apart from that person
- To get on famously – means to get along with someone very easily.
- Through thick and thin – means it doesn’t matter how difficult any circumstances are
- To be on the same page – to agree on what the other person has said or done.
- To move in the same circles – means getting along with someone who has the same lifestyle, likes and dislike and getting social with that person.
Some more proverbs from other countries on friendship
- A friend’s eye is a good mirror – it is an Irish Proverb
- A friend in need is a friend indeed – it is a Latin Proverb

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