Hello friends, I am Carol J Campbell lives in New York city in USA and running coffee shop chain around the New York state. There are around 1000 branches around New York state.I also have responsive WordPress website, all locations with photos and Hour of operations defined well on my WordPress website. I am also taking coffee and other orders on my website. My Business and all branches work very fine and all customers are very happy with my and my staff’s services.
One of day I went to New Jersey state with my friends and we are excited to eat pizza at that night. I just opened up one of famous pizza shops’ website on my iPhone and try to find address on that contact us page and locations page. And yes, I also found different different branches around the New Jersey state. But I am stuck with one point I did not found which place is very nearest from my current locations. I know what is my zip code but I did not know much about that New Jersey state. So, how can I find that which one Pizza shop is nearest from current location and how can I reach at that nearest pizza shop. at that night I realized about my customers problems because I am also owner of coffee shop and if someone come to New York state and does not know each place in New York and want to find nearest Coffee Shop so, he/she also stuck same like me. So, I decided to implement one of feature like to enter just only current place’s zip code and press search button and system returns lists of branches ascending by distance. So, every customer can reach to their nearest branch location and very quick.
I asked to my website development team about this type of feature and I am very excited to implement this type of features quickly on my website. But my website development team says that to implementations of this type of feature can take much of time, resources and much of efforts and costs. Resources and costs do not matter with me but feature took much time to implement so, I am very unhappy with this. I searched on google about these type features, if any company provide widget or plugin for my WordPress website. I found one article about Store Locator Software for WordPress on a2zcontents.com (Article and blog submission) website. I go through whole of article and I found that in WordPress plugins directory have already have already plugin. And plugin installation is totally free and light weight. I installed that “Store Locator Software for WordPress Website” plugin and found developer of this plugin developer https://www.pinpointstorelocator.com/. I register my Coffee shop account in PIN POINT STORE LOCATOR website and added my all branch locations on website and added WordPress short code [PIN_POINT_STORE_LOCATOR]in my contact page and awesome my WordPress website show zip code box with miles area, I tested to by entering one of zip code in form and really impressive that show up very perfect branches addresses with address on my website screen and also show up how far that branch from my current locations (distance from my current location).I am very happy with using https://www.pinpointstorelocator.com service.
I am Carol J Campbell recommend to use https://www.pinpointstorelocator.com for their website. Because its not only for wordpress website but works on any platform and technology without making any technical knowledge. Also, I am very thanks to a2zcotents.com website who provide free article submission features and someone write article on Store Locator Software on guest posting website and I found this awesome and very impressive Store Locator Software plugin.

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