
Why Keeping A Backup Is important For Your Website?

Your website is your enterprise’s gateway to the world at large. And in the competitive world of online business, it virtually decides if your business goes up the ladder of success or remains an also-ran venture. So, building an attractive, dynamic, responsive, feature-rich, and secure website either in-house or by hiring a website design company is the first step towards establishing your online presence on the World Wide Web. However, thinking that your website going live would be enough for your business to stay competitive would be singularly naive.

In fact, you must take a backup of your website to preempt issues like hardware crashes, ingress of malware, hacking, or system failures. This is of utmost importance as your website facing any such issues can have severe repercussions for your business. These may include delivering bad customer experiences, losing the trust of customers/clients, inviting regulatory censure, or facing failure. With so much at stake, you should not flinch when it comes to taking a backup of your website.

Why take a backup?

In most cases, it has been observed that businesses, after getting their websites done, entrust the job of taking backups to the website development company that made the website, at an extra cost. However, after a period of time, most website owners do not continue taking backups. Remember, taking a backup is like having an insurance policy that can keep your business in good stead. The best thing about taking a backup of your website is that it comes free. Just save the website files at a secure location, be it on the cloud or your hard drive. In case something happens out of the blue and wipes out your files, you can quickly restore the same with just a few clicks.

A shield against malware and hackers

Website security has become a big issue thanks to the specter of cybercrime. As per statistics, cybercrime has led to a global revenue loss of $1.5 trillion as the world moves into 2020 (Source: the Hackers are waiting in the wings to unleash new variants of malware, trojans, viruses, and ransomware to steal sensitive data. In addition to stealing data or sensitive business/financial information, hackers can stall your business by wiping clean the critical files. Thus, keeping a backup can help you to recover from any unexpected man-made challenge.

A shield against an act of God?

Well, the ‘act of God’ here is a euphemism to the natural disasters or unfathomable hardware crashes that can hit your business out of the blue. Be it a storm, earthquake, deluge, mechanical failure or power outage, your IT infrastructure comprising web server or computer system can be hit hard even leading to a sudden crash. Such a situation would mean losing all your sensitive data in a jiffy. So, don’t let providence play with your business and ensure regular upkeep of your backup data.

The consequences of not backing up

Once an incidence (man-made or an act of God) hits your IT systems, your business can lose all data and information comprising text, images, tables, web copies, plugins, videos, and others. The consequences can be felt in various quarters and by all stakeholders. To cite an example, if your enterprise is into providing digital marketing services to a number of clients across the business spectrum, you can lose crucial client specific information pertaining to the digital marketing activities. This will certainly not help your cause should the clients become aware of the same.


Your business website happens to be your window to the world and needs periodic up-gradation to keep it up and running. The process includes making backups of all website information and thereby saving your business from any unforeseen outcome. Should you have any issue with taking backups or find it not a part of your core activities, you can always engage a website design company in India and safeguard your business.

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