
Tips For Buying Clothes For Children

There are no faster fashions in the world than children. This thought didn’t tell me until I had children. But then it struck me like a ton of bricks – or better – like a laundry basket full of barely worn. Children can walk through the wardrobe in months or even weeks.
When my first child was six months old, I remember a great sense of guilt as I packed my whole bag of mostly unadorned clothes … many things still with labels. It was so unnecessary. It was so extravagant. “It has to change,” I thought, “but how?”

Take a community approach

Like parenthood, the path to sustainability should not be paved alone. The community is the key to our success. Fortunately, the community today comes in many forms. Yes, you can take a bowl of barely worn baby wires and give it to a new mother on the street.
Don’t you have children on your street? Try posting photos of your items on local social media. You can even run a large website specifically designed to connect with communities across the country for the purpose of selling or sharing clothes like organic baby clothes to start with.

Buy only as needed

This step requires a little restraint, but ultimately you save a ton (of money and unnecessary textiles). If you are like me, you often ask yourself, for example, “Do my little ones have jackets for the next rain?” “Do they have long pants for colder weather?” It’s good to be ready. However, when it comes to children’s clothing, advanced shopping can be quite problematic. Like the weather, growth trajectories are unpredictable in advance.
If you think in August that it will cool down in October, and it is time for your little child to fit within 6 months of clothing, it does not mean that one of these things will be true.

Choose quality, clean clothes

Cotton is the dirtiest crop in the world. Dot. About 4% of the world’s crops are commonly grown cotton, but use 25% of the world’s pesticides. Partly because of its size and skin time, the child is in contact with textiles, more vulnerable to the toxic effects of pesticides than in adults.
We must be as careful about what we put on our children as we do on our children. Even when washed thoroughly, some chemicals cannot be removed from clothing and then absorbed and processed by our skin (the largest organ of the body). Organic Clothing = Healthy Clothing!

Opt for a neutral sex

I leave out the section on hyper-gender, strange, sexual and sloppy dresses (ie, clothing that says things like “Future Diva” or “Little Bruiser”), and I stick to the section about how hyper-gender clothing is. number on the environment.
Not long ago, children were just children; not small men or small women. Branded garments only as a boy or girl, clothing companies doubled the chance to buy whole wardrobes from one child to another. You can browse girls’ activewear from Sacrifice now clothing. If you stick to the neutrals, you can focus on the beauty of your child and open up your opportunities for future clothing sharing.

Get smart size

Want to halve purchases? Follow this step. If you are currently in a children’s store, you will see clothes as such: newborn, 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, etc. Historically, this was not the case with size. Until recently, children were dressed in three sizes, small, medium and large. It was okay to have your baby in a baby that was just the best, or just a touch too loose on your feet – apparently not a social norm right now.
By dividing sizes into such small increments, buying clothes for the first year of life doubles – seriously, twice! Good news, but there are great companies returning to the 3-dimensional model. These businesses are often found online or in small boutiques.

Whenever Possible, Upcycle

I’m not an art queen, but when it comes to cycling clothing, there are some projects that I have mastered. With a little work, you can double the life of your favorite clothing. The easiest project is to convert winter clothes to summer clothes.
The basic hem is about the size of my sewing talent and that’s all it takes to turn pairs of shorts or long-sleeved shirts into t-shirts. If your skill level is higher than mine, you can really kick in this step, make secret duvets out of your child’s favorite T-shirts, or even create your own headbands. The possibilities are really endless and the more you use the article, the less it will buy new items!

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