
The Advantages of Coloring For the Development of the Child

Coloring books play an important role in the development of creative abilities and imagination of a child, although now many people consider this statement incorrect. Recently, there is an opinion that coloring limits the thinking of the child, which does not allow him to develop an idea of ​​the subject is completely baseless. As there is no scientific theory to prove it.

What skills does the child acquire by coloring the coloring pages?

Coloring the popular comics series like Avengers coloring books helps the baby express their feelings, and helps the mother understand the baby’s mood by the colors that the baby is currently painting. For example, bright shades of yellow, orange, red – a manifestation of joy, happiness, on the contrary, Shades of gray, brown – it is sadness, resentment, anger. Among other things, a child coloring animals coloring , is acquainted with the animal world, learns something new.

It is especially important to understand the mood of the child until he speaks and can express his emotions only through crying, for such crumbs, coloring with mom coloring has a therapeutic effect, the child expresses emotions and relieves psychological stress. Mom, noticing negative emotions, can adjust the daily routine of the crumbs, introducing elements of joy, happiness. The coloring technique itself tells parents a lot about the psycho-emotional state of the child, so if the child paints the coloring slowly, smoothly, smiling, be calm, and if the crumb movements during the coloring are quick, impetuous, cutting, note that something worries the baby.

Modern coloring depicts not just an object but tries to show action, movement, emotion, forcing the baby to analyze where he met with much in life. Moreover, you can focus attention on this and together with the baby try to remember all the situations when he saw a smile or when he was upset, then through coloring, he will be able to relive various feelings with the cartoon hero and learn how to react correctly to life situations.

Thirdly, the coloring of coloring books teaches the kid to do monotonous work and build perseverance, which will be beneficial in school years, when the child will have to do monotonous work every day – school homework. Coloring books help to captivate the child and conduct training in a playful way. For example, learning the alphabet or numbers: by coloring one number every day, the child remembers the spelling, pronunciation of the number, as well as the sequence.

Fourth, coloring contributes to the development of fine motor skills, the ability to manipulate small objects is very important in the daily life of a child, brushing your teeth, and holding a spoon are simply irreplaceable in the school years. Coloring is the first step in the development of the child’s written abilities, coloring the coloring trains hand endurance and ability to coordinate movements.

The fifth argument in the positive effect of colorings on child development is the acquisition of skill self-control. Almost every parent was faced with tantrums of a child 2-3 years old. Often tantrums are associated with the fact that the child does not succeed and he begins to freak out. Self-control in a child begins to form by the age of 4, and it is very important to contribute to the development of this skill if you do not want to be in a situation where your favorite child is sitting on the asphalt and yelling, demanding that you obey his whims.

Coloring can slow down the development of a child after 5 years, when he already has a clear idea of ​​the shape of the object, its color, that this or that facial expression expresses certain feelings. Here, parents should move away from the coloring and let the baby show their imagination and reveal their manifestation of the inner world.

So that a child of 3-4 years old can analyze and choose the right color scheme for characters, you can first watch the cartoon together, and then let the child color the character he likes and retell his story, this also contributes to the development of memory and the formation of analytical thinking.


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